Piercarlo Bonomi Casting AutomationHi,

my name is Piercarlo Bonomi and I’m writing to you to reveal a secret!


When I started to face the robotic cutting and deburring systems, I needed many years before I fully learned the functionality and effectiveness of each single system and every afternoon after high school I spent all my time next to my father in the company assembling machines and servicing them.

However, over time, through this job I understood which systems can give great results for the client and I realised that it was worth while studying all the details and the features of each single system.


As I grew up and with experience it often happens that I speak with a client about solutions for different processing problems and almost all confirm that our machines are the only solution on the market able to solve specific problems.


But there is a problem!


I understood that there had to be an easier way to solve various processing problems, also because it wasn’t just one client who had them. So in 2000, together with my father, we developed a series of products never seen before and we started building robotized systems specifically for cutting and deburring automation.

Nowadays I’m the head of an engineering department; every day I work and I focus on the development of more and more specific systems which are simple to use. Machines that allow automation and making profitable operations, which until that moment could only be done manually.
Now therefore, with my family I manage a dynamic company which offers high-tech solutions to solve real, concrete production problems of pieces that no one else is able to solve in such a short time, thereby saving money especially in the medium and long term.

We believed in robotic cutting and deburring in an era when it seemed impossible to realise. We developed all the products necessary to make a robot capable of working castings reliably.
Such a development that makes the Casting process automated (Casting Automation) and able to allow the client to have a system that increases his corporate profit margins. That is precisely why our clients recognize this and continue a strong working collaboration together with us with the same goal to continually improve this process and automating it to perfection.


If you are an entrepreneur focused on your production, saving time and money, then you can’t manage without my systems!


Today I can say that nobody has the experience that we have and the performance that we can ensure. Talking to the client, anticipating the problem in advance and solving it with our system allows us no competition within our target market.

We bet about our integrated project: the machine has been designed starting from client needs. We take care of the mechanical, electrical project directly in our company, building the pieces ourselves and assembling them. Furthermore, we do all the software and follow the servicing as well. Each project is the result of our constant growing experience merged with that of our client.

I will finish with a citation from a great businessman, Enzo Ferrari who said “Fortune favours the bold”: every day we propose bold solutions, we innovate our products and the market, creating added value for each of our clients.


Are you ready to improve your corporate profits?


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Piercarlo Bonomi
The Main Expert in Robotic Cutting and Deburring Machines


Autore: Trebi Casting Matrix

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