How Important is it to be able to count


How Important is it to be able to count on your production on Monday morning?

Every time a client objects that the machine is too expensive, I promptly ask him: “How important is it to count on your production on Monday?”

When you consider the investment return of a machine you also have to consider the additional costs of an operator.

Have you ever considered that your workers are often absent on Monday morning?
Have you ever considered that they produce less?
Have you ever seen that the productivity drops at the weekend?

How to blame them. Cutting and deburring is really heavy and exhausting.

The worker must move weights, work with vibration tools, pay close attention to the operations he does (not to forget any and to avoid disasters)…

It’s a really terrible job.

The robot does it without difficulty.
So, are you really comparing the real costs?
Do you only hourly costs ?

It’s like comparing 2 cars only considering the horsepower!
Is it enough?

So it is necessary to evaluate every single aspect of the process.

The robot gives you several advantages:
– Constant productivity e
– Guaranteed availability
– Production of the pieces always with the same quality
– Less accidents
– Increase of operator presence
– Better work environment
– Better delivery time

For the operator we must consider:
– Low yield in the afternoon
– Accidents
– Returned goods for attention lowering
– Production mistakes
– Training time
– holidays and deserved rest

I installed machines where the labor costs 3 € per hour… and client understood that it was profitable anyway.

You need think about it calmly and really understand what an operator costs you and therefore how much you can invest in an automatic demurring machine.

Autore: Trebi Casting Sofia

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