

I often meet clients who choose to build a trimming die that does all: the die that deburrs the workpiece contour, the side-surfaces, does impossible things… and then cuts the gating system.


A space shuttle: a shuttle full of units and functionalities!


When I see it working, it looks like Mazzinga Zeta shouting “”ROTATING BLADES”…

After the trimming die closed, the blades start with a sparkling light, then begins the cutting cycle!


Well, this is the miracle trimming die!

The miracle die!


But there’s a problem!


Today we think that it solves many problems without costs, but in actual fact it creates a lot!

I keep seeing clients making mistakes like this and find themselves in trouble.


But it’s not your fault!


I know, it’s the choice you’ve always made.


Then there are my competitors pushing you to this choice, heedless of the abyss into which you are driving.


But there is a problem!


It’s time to change direction, you have to keep up to date with the news to increase your margins and client satisfaction.

If you do not want to miss the train you have to act now.

With this magical dies:

  • at first you shear the workpiece
  • then enter the blades for making the cuts
  • then the machine re-opens again and you hope that everything goes onto the conveyor belt


But did you ever stop thinking and analysing how many problems you get with this solution?


If you want to continue using your magic trimming die then you have these problems: 

  • chips anywhere in the machine
  • high maintenance costs
  • no cutting flexibility
  • long setup times
  • high tool costs
  • complicated gating system management
  • lack of security


Chips anywhere in the machine


The trim is not a cutting machine. During a cutting operation the chip goes everywhere.

It goes on the ground towards the robot, on the die, on the machine columns, on the robot gripper.

When you produce the first pieces you think you’ve found the golden egg!


But there is a problem!


After a thousand of pieces you start seeing the first problems, but is a serious long-term problem

All these chips inside your casting cell give you the problems you cant’ imagine…

such as:

  • infant mortality of the trimming die
  • short life of the trim
  • chip storage where you least expect it so you stop for cleaning


High maintenance costs


Your trimming die is easy and it is cheap and you are used to doing little maintenance on it.

The magical die costs a little more, but the maintenance you need is much higher!

In order to keep the cutting blade, my competitor  dimensioned everything to a minimum:

He put a small blade (he always does it, he gives you a 200 mm diameter blade).

  • he put a small engine
  • he put ridiculous sliding parts
  • he made an extra compact spindle


He sold you all these problems by calling them “technology”

He might tell you: “Today we also give you the cutting technology!

In a small space, we found a place for the cutting unit!”


And so he gave you trouble


Then you purchase the die and you realize that the maintenance becomes an ordeal.

Today the slide breaks, tomorrow the spindle, the day after tomorrow the engine.

The the blade starts cutting less, the chip instead goes in the predetermined direction (like when it is new) spurts everywhere; it accumulates on a pin … and breaks…



No cutting flexibility


Let’s think that your client wants to add a new gating system to stoke the piece better.

If you bought the magic die: How do you cut it?

There is no simple solution.

You just have to pray and ask for an intercession that your client changes his mind.

Or you can make a new die.


But there is a problem!


What will it cost?

What embarrassing figure will you make with your client?

He asks you a small modification and you can not do it in a reasonable time?


Long setup times


When you have a magical die, to adjust the cutting position you have to move the blade mechanically, so you need:

  • a skilled operator
  • a set of keys
  • much patience


Your operator puts his head into the die, unscrews the bolts, moves the unit in some way and retightens the bolts.

Then he waits a cycle, looks at the result, stops again, adjusts it again and so on until the divine intercession does not find the right position.

Then he adjusts the cutting speed.. with his eye

He has a hydraulic valve that regulates the flow rate of the cylinder oil.

He opens and closes according to his daily mood … if the day before he watched “Brave Heart”, he will be more resourceful and will go faster… if the night before he watched “Saw” he will be more fearful and will go slower.


The result?

You have a problem!


You are in the operator’s hands who needs a lifetime to start a machine, he must be very skilled but has to follow his nose, without a method!


High tool costs


The cutting blade in the die lasts 10 times less than in my robotic cell.

The reasons for its infant mortality are the ones I told you before:

  • under dimensioned components
  • blade too small
  • heaps of chips
  • approximate cycle adjustment 


They may have told you: “ A smaller blade is cheaper, in any case, all things considered it lasts many pieces.”

But there is a problem!


How much does a downtime cost?

How much does a setup cost?

How many operators have you got who  are able to change it?


If you keep up your business you can not afford a process that does not give certain costs. A process where each operation is an exception. A process, without really knowing what it costs you today.


Complicated management of the gating system


The magic die makes one or 2 cuts

And leaves the gating system complete

Maybe my astute competitor was at least able to leave the gating system in 2 parts.

But if for some reason they change the gating system for you and now it gets stuck somewhere, what do you do?

The only thing you can do is to stop the production, remove the die and send it to the tooling-department and hope they can solve the issue!

Maybe it does not look so serious! But the situation is really dramatic!

You are forced to depend on the tooling-department, your operators, die-sinker…. You’re not free to manage your business dynamically and rapidly.

Everything is out of the control!


Lack of security


I must confess something to you.

When I approach a trim with a magic die, I’m afraid.


I see all the risks I’m exposing right now. Risks I’m not used to.


When I build a machine of mine own, I constantly repeat to my technicians:


No risks!


Instead your magic die has infinite sources and plenty of risks: 

little protection in the event the blade explodes: If the blade gets stuck and the carriage continues pushing, it could explode and the chips could hit everything in sight.

projection of the cut pieces: it’s all there on sight without a specific project. It may happen that a part of the piece can be projected while you are there watching.

danger of amputation during the setup. In order to manage the blade motor in safety, you need a complicated structure that has to interface directly with the machine.


You need a security module telling that the blade stands still before allowing the opening of the machine door, you need a series of remote-control switches turning off the blade safely.

I have never seen a magic die having a safety circuit done as it should be!!

If someone gets hurt, you risk jail! You have to know the risks you have in your company!


Are you tired of problematic, difficult and unsafe management solutions? Well then, I have the solution for you.


The casting automation system allows you To increase your profits:

  • reduce the waste
  • increase flexibility
  • bring you towards the fourth industrial revolution


All this with a series of machines to introduce into your die-casting cell

The machine allows you to flexibly cut the gating system (you cut as you prefer) and do even more.



1. Gating system outside the trimming die

2. Simplified trimming die (my robot works where the trim can not)


 And as promised, I will give you much more:

  • process simplification
  • reduction of unforeseen costs
  • flexible cutting cycle
  • setup time cancelled
  • small tooling wear
  • increased security


Process simplification


If you want an efficient process, you have to make it simple.

If you have a complicated die with thousands of unknown factors, how do you get efficiency?

With my machine, your trimming die becomes simple. You just have to cut the contour profile, open the window, then the holes. All that won’t give you any problems.

The machine occupies itself with the complicated things, making them simple.

The robot takes the piece and does the operations in a way that no problems occur during the cycle.

Deburr the areas perfectly against the trim that may cost you maintenance hours.


Reduction of unforeseen costs


Today the magic die maintenance is a question mark as big as a house.

You can spend 100 € or 100.000 € for maintenance. There is no guarantee.

But the maintenance cost is the minimum.


How much does the downtime cost?

How much does the delay in delivery cost?


With my system you reduce all the unforeseen costs

You remove the unforeseen events and the downtimes: all costs you cannot control.


Flexible Cutting Cycle


Today you have a gating system. Tomorrow you have to change it. No problem.

You change the programme of the robot and you’re ready .

With your magic die this problem has no solution, instead with my machine it’s a matter of seconds.

To make it even earlier, I simplified the whole robot programming.

Even an apprentice programmer is able to do it.

You’ve not to take all the cutting process. You just have to take an approach point and give 2 parameters to the robot.

The new cycle is done.


Setup time cancelled


Do you want to change the cutting height?

You just have to increase the measure you prefer by using the control panel.

You don’t have to stop the machine. You just have to type the correction by using the panel.

You don’t have to use the keyboard of the robot. You have a wide touch screen that gives you the ability to do everything in a simple way.

I did more.

The operator panel manages users into levels.

If you don’t have the password, you can’t change it!

So you don’t need the skilled operator anymore, the key set, 10 downtimes… you just have to change the parameter on the video. 


Do you want to change the cutting feed?


You do the same thing. You enter the cutting screen and change the parameters. 

No problem, no skilled operator is required.

All very simple and efficient.


Great reduction in tooling wear


With my machine the tools last a lifetime. I have found a system to reduce the wear of the tools.

We have thought of a cutting unit with a spindle and motorization so as to multiply the life of your tool.

I have reduced the purchasing costs of the tools, but above all, the downtime for the blade change.

I have clients who, only by saving these costs, have justified the investment!


Increased security


My staff assess the risk under any profile.

My machines are build to have zero residual risk.

The operator is always protected. 

The whole process takes place inside a sound-proof cabin.

When the operator enters into the machine for cleaning and maintenance he is not exposed to any risk.

The motors stand still safely.  


If you think that the foundry is an ancient process and how your grandfather worked was fine, then don’t call me.


If instead you want to dive into the future and finally begin to increase your profits, then there’s no time to waste.


Piercarlo Bonomi
The Main Expert in Robotic Cutting and Deburring Machines

Autore: Trebi Casting Sofia

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